Friday, 20 December 2013

We're on top of the world, hey!


I know I'm really lazy to update this blog, even if I'm active in the game. Ok, lately I've been away because I've been busy, but now I have yet again started to play more ! :)

The christmas quests are really great, and some of the presents you get from the Santa are actually real nice! I think I'm gonna make a collage about my presents later.

I'm also close to lvl 15, I could reach it by doing one fishing quest I have available but I really don't want to do it! Because the level doesn't even increase your riding but then I'd need to compete with the good racers in champs D:

I've almost given up with the pink lights XD I think I'm still friendly or liked with the lightning circle, and at one point I calculated that it would take 3 weeks to get admired with them if I'd do every single light every single day. And I just can't do that. So I just take care of them if I'm not too lazy and well, maybe SSO will make it easier to get admired some day. Like giving more reputation like they did with the fishing quests.

Anygay, today I bought a new horse! Because of that, I had to sell my dear Dragonkiss, but we'll see if he will return some day ;---) I bought the black Arabian. I think I might regret the colour a little, dunno if I'll sell him and buy the palomino or white later. Anyway, here's my wonderful stallion Northchaser aka Chris! The seller told me the name is because "He chased his way up to the north!" :)

Shortly, Chris is lively, playful and sensitive. He likes to gallop fast and play tag with me on the paddock :) Being an Arabian, he of course doesn't like sharp or fast moves and requires a soft hand from the rider. 

Here's couple of photos from his first training races!

I'm going to write new descriptions for all of my horses, for a change. So they're gonna change a little :) I'm tired so I won't update the chara page today, but I'll write down the new personalities here, or otherwise I won't remember them in the morning.

Haz is now honest, has a large ego, dumb, impatient and omnivorous.
Luke is gentle, a boaster, fast and curious. 
Lou is sluggish, enterprising, a glutton, brave and afraid of rustling things.
Smoki is challenging, a badass, an epicure and weather vane. (Mood changing)
Inna is self-indulgent, mean, self-centered, clumsy and greedy.
Perrie is calm, reserved, catalase, slow-witted and can't stand children.
Nico is sly, challenging, used to everything, obsequious and loves dogs. 
Dana is lashing, social, strong-willed and doesn't eat apples. 
Hope is sensitive, a glutton, care-free, teases other horses and doesn't let you catch him from the paddock.

There! I used the personality generator from the Finnish sim-horse help page Virtuaalijelppi

Bai, April x x 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Does it make you feel alive?

She said, hey, it's alright
Does it make you feel alive?
Don't look back
Live your life
Even if it's only for tonight
She said, hey, it's alright
If it makes you feel alive


Yet again it's been a while since I last updated this blog. Though that doesn't mean I haven't played SSO! I had a little half-break, because I found no interest in playing, but now I'm back.

A lot has happened since the last updated. I've bought new horses, I have changed the club I'm in, etc. etc.

About the club change. Nina deleted Shadow Hooves because of a... reason. I don't think it's necessary to reveal it here. Anygay, I hopped in to Night Feathers that is basically almost the same people that were in SH. Of course SH has now been created back (by Nina, of course) but I still remain in NF because why in the hell not? It's not about the name of the club, it's about the people in it.

Okok, now to other, happier things. :) So after the last post I've bought three new horses. I also lost one :( An euthanasia had to performed to Minipearl, knows as Ninni, as she ran away from her paddock and hurt her leg somewhere. The leg could never be fully healed and Ninni should be filled up with medicine for the test of her life, so I decided euthanasia was the best thing for her. She's now on better paddocks with other ponies, where she can't escape, but I bet she doesn't want to, either.

First, I bought an Andalusian stallion. He's called Fireknight, "Nico"

Secondly, I bought the Selle Francais from the Harvest Counties, as Jorvik opened. She's called Winterspirit, aka Inna or Spirre. I can't decide the nickname, lol. I'd want to call her Inna, but I always accidentally call her Spirre.

Then, last but not least, I bought the creme coloured Akhal-Tekke stallion last weekend. He's called Icerebel aka Luke :)

Then some random photos n.n

On a hack with Night Feathers.. What's wrong with Luke's arse?

Got out first rosette in the HC Champs so far.. A bronze 8D But well, Haz wasn't feeling well before yesterday and I have been bearing with a laggy internet. Luckily now I got a faster connection.

Training Luke.. I feel like I will never get him fully trained e.e I mean none of my bought horses are on lvl 15 except Haz! They all are on lvl 7 and lower! GAWD I'M LAZY ASS.

Run run run and never look back n__n

From the hack

SSO didn't let me sit for the picnic so I ran around and paparazzied the alfa beasts of NF 8)

So that's it, got this finally updated! Let's hope we'll have snow in this week's update! ♥ 
See ya, April x x

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Shooting Star

Hiya! It's been a while! But now I'm here with you again.

Lately, I bought a new horse. His name is Dragonkiss, called Draco, and he's an Oldenburg gelding. n.n You will find him on the character page later this week.

^ I have used this outfit quite a lot lately... 
Helmet - Valedale Rider Tack
Jacket - Valedale Star Shop
Trousers - Winery Star Shop
Boots - Lifetime Rider Tack (Got from mail, available in Moorland LT Shop)
Saddle & Briddle - Moorland Horse Tack
Saddlepad - Valedale Druid Shop
Polo wraps - Cape West 3rd Accessorize Shop

I don't really have a lot to talk about? I have finally found my desire for this game again, and have played a lot. :> 

Shirt - Marley's Shop
Bridle - Marley's Shop

^New racing outfit! I love it. 
Pink jacket - Firgrove Star Shop
Brown Pro Helmet - Valedale Rider Tack Shop
Gloves - Silverglade Boutique
Trousers - Silverglade 2nd Star Shop
Boots - Marley's Shop
 Bridle & Saddle - Moorland Horse Tack 
Saddlepad - The Observatory
 Polo Wraps - Fort Pinta 1st Accessorize Shop

I think that was quite it. :--) Now I gotta catch some sleep, I'm knackered. See ya! xoxo

Friday, 30 August 2013

Reserved for Finns

Ömömöm piti mennä nukkumaan mutta en sitte mennykkään 8D Huomenna huge teemanmuutos eessä kahdessa blogissa, nyt teen tän haasteen jonka Nipaperkele mulle anto D---:<

Haasteen säännöt:
1. Jokaisen haastetun pitää kertoa 11 asiaa itsestään.
2. Pitää myös vastata haastajan 11 kysymykseen.
3. Haastetun pitää tehdä 11 kysymystä uusille haastetuille.
4. Pitää haastaa 11 bloggaajaa, joilla on alle 200 lukijaa.
5. Ei takaisin haastamista!

1. Oon tosi äkkipikainen. Aika monta kertaa tavarat lennelly pienestäkin owo
2. Haluaisin tulla kuuluisaksi, mutta mulla ei oo mitään taitoja millä saavuttaa mainetta
3. Asun omalla tallilla, jossa tällä hetkellä veljen oma issikka ja amerikkalainen mini, joka on lainassa veljelläni
4. Oon aika innokas One Direction -fani. Seuraan heitä aktiivisesti mutta en tunne olevani sellainen joka jahtaa idoliaan ympäri maata ja pyörtyy mennessään konserttiin. Vihaan myös sanaa 'directioner' D8
5. Oon se, jonka löytää joka puolelta internettiä n_n Esim. Howrsesta ja Flirttistoorista, lisäksi pidän One Direction Finland-blogia, bubbleziam-tumblria ja Ziam Shippers fb sivua.
6. Mulla on vitusti ns. 'guilty pleasureja', joista IRL kamut ei tiedä 8D Mm. SSO, Schleichit ja se että haluaisin mun keppihevoset yhdeltä tytöltä takaisin. Hei, niitten arvo on yhteensä varmaan yli 200€ >8(
7. Haluaisin oman läppärin vaikka tää pöytäkone on 4/5 osaa päivästä mun käytössä. 
8. En voi sietää musiikkia kaiuttimilla/kuulokkeilla, jotka ei toista bassoa ollenkaan. En tekisi Spotifylla mitään, ellei mulla olis mun subbaria :3
9. En tykkää jäätelöstä yolo
10. En pääse yli enkä ympäri ihmisistä
11. Tykkään ladata noloja pelejä kännykkään

Nipan kysymykset:

1. Jos sun pitäis valita näistä yks niin mikä se olis; Rakkaus, Rikkaus vai Onni?
- Rakkaus

2. Jos saisit muuttaa minne ikinä haluaisit, minne muuttaisit?
- Lontooseen tai jonnekkin sen lähettyville

3. Oletko koskaan valehdellut ikääsi?
- Aika monesti 8D

4. Oletko koskaan tosissasi tapellut toisen ihmisen kanssa, jos olet niin kenen?
- Jaa fyysisesti vai häh? En fyysisesti, mutta yks poika tuli aika raivolla haukuttua bussin alle tietystä syystä jonka voin kertoa jos jotakuta kutkuttaa tietää o.o

5. Jos katsot ikkunasta ulos nyt, mitä näet?
- Pimeetä ja huoneen heijastukset

6. Mikä jäätelö on parasta?

7. Tykkäätkö ruskettua?
- Tykkään rusketuksesta, mutta en ruskettua. Runsasluominen ja neuroottinen ihosyövälle, check!

8. Mikä kännykkä sinulla on?
- Samsung Galaxy Trend

9. Minkä merkkinen kone sinulla on ja mikä käyttöjärjestelmä siinä on? (esim Hp, windows 7)
- Hp, Windows 7 8D

10. Haluatko koskaan täyttää 100 vuotta?
- No joo, jos täytän sen suhteellisen terveenä.

11. Mitä sana "pullonetiketikiinnittäjänapulainen" tarkoittaa sinusta?
- Se on semmone tyyppi joka ojentelee sille pullonetiketinkiinnittäjälle niitä etikettejä 8)

Mun kysymykset:

1. Mikä on paras aineesi koulussa?
2. Ns. guilty pleasuresi?
3. Lumi- vai vesisade?
4. Oletko älypuhelinriippuvainen?
5. Pesetkö omat ikkunasi?
6. Aijotko mennä/Oletko/Olitko lukiossa vai amiksessa?
7. Inhoatko sanaa "ketä" sanan "kuka" sijaan?
8. Käytätkö paljon somea?
9. Luuletko, että on olemassa muitakin elollisia planeettoja?
10. Mikä on mielestäsi rasismia?
11. Lataatko puhelintasi tietokoneelta vai pistorasiasta?

Vaihtelipas syvällisemmästä kevyempiin aiheisiin :"D

Ja sitten! En haasta ketään, vaan kuka tahan joka tätä blogia lukaisee, saa tehdä tämän. En muutenkaan saisi haastettua ketään koska kaikki keitä haluaisin haastaa, on jo haastettu. D:

Monday, 26 August 2013

Weyhey dat's the craic! ~

Sup pals ! 8D Haven't written in times. I just take so many photos that I'm too lazy to post them! But anyway, here's some photos of today and yesterday.

The horses moved from Steve (And April from Silverglade Village, heehe) to Firgrove, and it was a BAD idea, oh my god. I have to use the trailer to go everywhere! Next Saturday April's gonna go back to her home in SG Village and the horses might go to Winery, or then to Steve's. I just hate Steve's, there's too many people and I have been at Steve's since I changed my home stable after receiving my first star rider in June 2012!!


I think I haven't even told about this little buddy owo I know I said I'd buy a gelding but she was so irresistible! This is Ultrasmash aka Ullis, a 14 years old mare who loves show jumping :)

Later I goofed around with some of our clubbies. Sorry that the texts are in Finnish, if the uncertainty is eating you to death, ask me what they mean. 

Gonna smash your fears? .w.


Lou says boinggg 8)

A very interesting corner in the library o.O

The gurl with a blue hat is someone random... Poor thing when she woke up XD

Later we went down to North Link, I couldn't go the way the others went so I tried my own that I had used some time before 8D It didn't work tho, but I got down other way. Later Nina joined us too with her Tania-character, but seems that I didn't have any pics? -w-


There was a BLOODY TICK WALKING ON MY HAND! D8 I flushed it down the toilet lol.

Some pole working with Smoki *.* Love you boy n.n

Aand my outfit later today 8D

Ok, so I should go to bed now, but I won't because I'm a SSO addict owo I'm gonna decide what hair and make-up I'll buy April next and then I'll check my other characters Veronika, Allison and Ruby. 

See ya xx

Thursday, 22 August 2013


The fall is getting closer every moment, and it's filling my heart! I love autumn. I've been wondering around Goldenhills and just thought when the real trees will look like the ones in GH. I'm so happy we have that time in Finland, because in every country the trees don't get such a beautiful colors :)

Ok, now about SSO. The ponies arrived, and they are super cute! I bought the palomino one and named her Minipearl. Minipearl aka Helmi is 11 y-o mare, you can read more about her on the horse page.

Right after taking that picture I kept a dressage lessons to the pigs of Shadow Hooves >8) 

The basic monkey pack of SH... Always in the same corner.

They are cute! owo

Yup welcome to Huti's lessons... 8D I said I'll whack everyone who manages to do wrong.

Later I trained Helmi a bit and made the lovely edit underneath.

And to the next day aka today!

I decided I'll be buying another pony tomorrow! This lovely bay gelding will be next to Helmi tomorrow, I don't know his name yet, though. 

Then we had a dressage lesson yet again, this time Aly(ssa) kept it. 

Hayyy gurl Hayyy

Dummy me... I didn't understand 8D

After that I continued training Helmi... Yes I know, I'm feeling a bit halloween-y today!

 Then I took part in the FP Champs. This wasn't our day, because in FP Haz tripped on an obstacle and earlier in Valedale my wifi disappeared before the start....

 Okay-dokay! I'll edit the horse page soon, and I can hint you I'm doing a new video... Maybe two ;) But I can't promise uploading them because I have a bad habit of not finishing the videos. Anyway, bye, let's see if we have a new boy in my stable tomorrow!

Saturday, 10 August 2013



I haven't even logged in SSO today, but I know if I don't update this blog now, I'll skip it yet again 8D

So, though I haven't blogged so much, I have still tried playing SSO actively. It's not like I don't have interest in playing or that I'm just too tired to play, no, it just that I have been real busy lately and had no time for the game. But I've tried to log in everyday and say a couple hellos in the club chats and do races there and here.

I don't know why, but every day in SSO is like, well, dramatically said, fighting against hunger :"D It's probably because we haven't had much quests lately, and because I'm busy, I don't have much time to do the daily tasks. My shillings are under 1000 all the time and I have to earn money everyday or my horses will be left hungry. I do have star coins tho, but I don't like to waste them on food. I hope we'll get a massive amount of new quests soon, even some annoying reputation quests if needed.

Here's photos 8)

Yup just chilling with my buddy...

I think he'll be next in my stable :--)

best postcard ever♥

My outfit on Thursday 

Nope Metukka is too fast D8

My outfit on... Tuesday? Not sure?

Aand yesterday I wore full black 8) loveit♥

ok I guess I'm gonna watch one Teen Wolf now and then head to SSO :D Perhaps I'll post more photos later! xoxo April


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